STEP2LAB's Technical Drawing Course:
A new pilot successfully run in Italy
January, 2024
After the success of STEP2LAB project’s partner CENTIMFE in piloting the initiative’s training course centered around technical drawing, a new test run emerges with positive expectations to broaden the horizon of education and opportunity. |
In October 2023, IRFIP - Istituto Religioso di Formazione ed Istruzione Professionale (Religious Institute of Vocational Education and Training) conducted a pilot of the Technical Drawing course with 18 students, aged between 15 and 19 years old.
Unlike the previous phase, these students were not detainees, but individuals enrolled in IRFIP professional courses, primarily focused on cooking and catering. |
The pilot spanned two weeks, allowing students to explore the fundamentals of technical drawing. The participants, coming from various disadvantaged backgrounds, encountered a subject significantly different from their usual curriculum.
Despite the challenges of integrating the new training offer, the pilot yielded positive results, and the overall feedback was encouraging. For many of these students, technical drawing was an unfamiliar territory, far from their usual interests. However, the pilot provided them with an opportunity to broaden their horizons. Basic skills acquired during the course laid a foundation that could serve as a starting point for those inclined to explore the subject further. This initiative is a vital part of the broader STE2LAB project, which is bridging the gap between prison training, reintegration support services, and industries facing a shortage of workers. By embracing social responsibility and collaboration with industries, it is possible to create positive societal and economic impacts. STEP2LAB is implementing innovative processes that facilitate the transition from prison to work and require the involvement of multiple stakeholders, including prison institutions, government agencies, employers, community organisations, and the individuals themselves. This unique pilot demonstrated the adaptability of the STEP2LAB initiative, showcasing its ability to cater to diverse target groups while remaining engaging, and useful. The positive outcomes underline the project's potential to introduce new topics and skills to individuals outside the traditional target demographic. The other partners in the STEP2LAB project are set to start their own training sessions using this course in early 2024. As the project progresses, the insights gained from this pilot will contribute to refining the approach in future modules. The STEP2LAB project continues to emphasise its commitment to community involvement, development, and social responsibility, ensuring that its impact extends beyond the confines of conventional educational settings. The success of this pilot reinforces the belief that by venturing into unknown territories, education can become a transformative force, opening doors to unexpected opportunities for all. The project shares a quarterly newsletter that provides regular updates on the progress and achievements of STEP2LAB. Subscribing to the newsletter provides access to insights into the progress made by the partnership in prison training, reintegration support, and the efforts to bridge industries with specific needs. |
This project is financed by ERASMUS+ programme, KA220-VET - Cooperation partnerships in vocational education and training. This website has been accomplished in the scope of the project" Systematic Transition from prison into the labour market" (STEP2LAB), Grant Agreement no. KA220-VET-09CB2E38, implemented with financial support of the European Commission by the Erasmus+ Programme. This website reflects the views only of the author, hence neither the Portuguese National Agency nor the European Commission can be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
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